Flat foot pronation
Flat foot pronation

Treatment options for problematic flat feet or significant overpronation include:ġ) Modified shoegear with arch support and wedges on the inside (medial wedges) to reduce the amount that the feet roll in. Overpronation may be caused by ligamentous laxity or too much flexibility in the arch joints, by congenitalĭeformities such as extra bones in the arch, and occasionally genetic problems. A foot that overpronates or rolls in excessively can delay walking and lead to juvenile bunions (enlarged growths on the big toe joint) and reduced ability to push off (propulsion). The clinical concern is foot stability more so that arch height. One may have a low arch which is very stable or a high arch which is not stable but rolls inward, also known as “pronation.” All feet need to roll in to a certain extent for the purpose of absorbing shock but excessive pronation or overpronation can be a problem. The key word is “appear” because the shape of the foot is determined by bone structure, not the soft tissues.Īrch height refers to the architecture of the foot, that is, one may have an arch which is high, low or medium. Infants are born with a fat pad in the arch are making their feet appear flat.

Flat foot pronation