Outlook tasks to calendar
Outlook tasks to calendar

outlook tasks to calendar

One can thus be more productive and organized in life.īefore we dive into Calendar specifically, creating a to-do list is the first step. This allows you to be more conscious of how you’ll spend your time and get more concentrated on what’s important in your schedule.

outlook tasks to calendar

With TickTick Calendar, you can always plan out your day and time block your tasks in advance (Learn more on Time Blocking). Planning beforehand helps in actual doing. Long extending itself beyond a simple to-do app, TickTick offers an all-in-one productivity solution packed with features like to-do lists, Pomo, Habit, Kanban, Note and more importantly, a built-in Calendar! It is not very common for a to-do app to have one, but it is always useful if it does! TickTick is such an app that combines your to-do lists with a calendar in a single place, empowering you to get more out of your time and manage your tasks well.

Outlook tasks to calendar